Tuesday, April 15, 2008

google image labeler

Remember the last time you typed something crazy into the google image search and found it? Well, google is making its search results even better! And the good news is you can help. Its also fun. Go here: http://images.google.com/imagelabeler/

its a fun game and you get points! Google shows you and a partner (randomly teams you up) an image. example: The photo here of Yao Ming. You and your partner see this at the same time and describe the image. I typed in Yao. I can't see what my partner is typing in. I just have to keep typing untill the dummy on the other end matches me. The point is to type the same words as your partner. The more descriptive, the better! And the more points you receive! Its a lot of fun too..
My ONLY complaint would be the quality of the image it shows you. Its all grainy, low res. It sucks when you're naming tiny maps. Geez google.

The best part I think is at the end, you get to see the images again and what your partner chose as descriptions. Then they can see your answers. And maybe learn how to better describe certain images. After all, its all about helping Google, right? The worst part is getting teamed up with a moron who types slow or just is plain DUMB!
In this case I get bored and type in "my partner is lame" (sorry google) haha, my partner gets to see that when they check out my brilliant answers. hehe.

The best geeky part of all, your gmail/ nickname shows up if you get a high score.
I was excited to see myself there for at least a moment. Oh ya baby! That's Miss fresh Jen Dizzle out ranking you sucka! :P hehe. Its pretty fun, if I was one of those less productive people at work...I'd play it more often.

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